Our Process

Martin, Dan and George
George Zhu (SEO Strategist) during the internal process review.

STEP 1: Discovery

There’s no such thing as ‘one-size-fits-all’ in SEO. To do it right, and to get the results you’re after, we need to have an in-depth understanding your business and goals. Only then can we truly understand the risks and opportunities, and make an informed decision about what to do, and when. The Discovery step includes the following activities:

  • Situation analysis – Preliminary research to determine the nature and scope of your business and website.
  • Phrase research – We consider the estimated search volume, competitiveness and intent of the most relevant keywords. Then we use our proprietary Phrase Potential Calculator to estimate the traffic and revenue potential for those keywords, based on your current average conversion rate and value.
  • Competitive analysis – By analysing your competitors’ search presence, we can understand the likelihood and timeframes required to achieve rankings, traffic and ROI.
  • Identify linkable assets – To discover the most popular content on your website, we observe external links and traffic data.
  • Relationship assessment – We learn how you’re connected in the business world and with your customers, in order to extract value and potential link partnerships.
  • On-site link analysis – Identify links on your current site that point to incorrect pages or expired content. Discover links which could be implemented better or online references and mentions that could be turned into links.

STEP 2: Strategy

A strategy tells you exactly what we plan to do, how, and by when. But it’s a lot more than that. It’s a blueprint for us, to ensure everything is executed appropriate and effectively. Our Strategy is a 3-month schedule that clearly communicates our plans for your campaign. It covers all goals and planned activities, and details priorities, deliverables and clear timeframes:

  • Information Architecture (IA) – In consultation with our Technical SEO Strategist, we’ll ensure your site’s navigation flows with optimum SEO efficiency.
  • Content strategy – We’ll liaise with your content specialist to ensure your content strategy supports your SEO objectives (drawing on linkable assets and relationships identified in the discovery phase) .
  • Google Webmaster Tools – Set up the main channel of communication between Google and your website, so we can easily detect any known issues and correct problems directly with Google.
  • Internal & external linking – Instructions for fixing broken links and links pointing to the wrong pages. Also a general on-site link strategy. (We’ll provide consultation to help your developer with the implementation.)
  • URL to phrase matching – A matrix showing exactly which set of phrases to match with what URL.
  • Canonical setup – Ensures there are no ‘duplicate content’ issues.
  • Internationalisation (if required) – Detailed global URL recommendations (TLD / sub-domain / sub-folder), defining language in your code, using local on-site and off-site signals (e.g. currency, address, phone numbers, listings in local directory websites).

STEP 3: Execution

Even the best laid plans are only as good as their execution. Every Deyan SEO package includes:

  • Reporting & tracking – Ensure you always have a clear picture of what’s working, and why. Includes traffic & ranking analysis.
  • Competitor tracking – Keep a close eye on what your competitors are up to, so you can stay a step ahead.
  • SEO-friendly marketing policies – We’ll proactively point out areas where you can contribute to your SEO by adjusting your daily marketing activities.
  • Link building campaign – A custom-designed link building campaign to secure a steady flow of links for your domain. We create content that’s so good people will want to blog about it, and share it with their friends and colleagues. No link farms, no content farms, no article spinning, no black hat SEO, no grey hat SEO. Just 100% white hat SEO that steadily builds rankings, traffic, engagement and profits. And retains them over the long haul. So you don’t have to worry every time Google updates its ranking algorithms. This creative content also serves as a marketing device, social booster and brand enhancer.
  • Risk assessment & monitoring – Understanding risks is essential to maintaining your search traffic in the long term. There are certain rules which search engines want webmasters to respect, and you can be penalised if you break them. Even if you didn’t know you were. We perform a risk assessment of the links currently pointing to your website, highlight any issues, and recommend preventative action where necessary. We also work with you to ensure your other online marketing campaigns don’t introduce any SEO-related risks.


Our SEO Process

How much does it cost?

Every business is different. Even if they’re in the same industry, some are old, some are new, they have different websites, and they all face different types and degrees of competition. This means every campaign is different too. Our packages aren’t based on a specific list of fixed-price inclusions. They’re based on time. If you invest more, you get more of our time. Simple.

In our strategy, we detail our plans for your campaign, including all goals, planned activities, priorities, deliverables and clear timeframes. The idea is not to provide a fixed set of services, but to find the most efficient and cost-effective way to achieve and maintain top results for your business. We want the best for you, and guarantee a realistic and transparent long term solution to make this happen. Learn more about what we offer and other common questions on our FAQ page or call us.