Google Mobile Friendly Test Bookmarklet

Mobile now a ranking factor

 Mobile Friendly Bookmarklet Screenshot

As everyone is no doubt already aware, having a mobile friendly website is now officially a ranking factor for searches from mobile devices. We already espouse the benefits of having a mobile friendly site to our clients (though at the moment we’re guilty of a little hypocrisy – work in progress). That said, this official confirmation of it’s importance gives us additional evidence to quote when talking to clients. With this in mind we’re taking an additionally run through all our client list to check for mobile friendliness.  That’s no small task.

Testing with Google Mobile Friendly Tester

In order to do this we’ll be checking the Google Mobile Friendly Test. Obviously opening up a bunch of windows and copy, pasting the URL in doesn’t make for a fun afternoon, so I created a handy bookmarklet to speed up the process. you can get the bookmarket for yourself by dragging the link below to your bookmarks bar:

Mobile Friendly Test (Domain)

Mobile Friendly Test (URL)

It’s just a quickly thrown together tool, but hopefully it helps you speed up the process of testing your websites for mobile friendliness. We’re also working on a slightly more advanced option using X-Path and will update once it’s ready.

Update: We tried using importxml in Google Docs to scrape the result of the test URL. Sadly, this didn’t work. We’re now looking at using the API.

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