What's an average CTR for the 1st position in Google?

We analysed 7825 keywords across 172 domains and the average click-through rate (CTR) for the first position in Google was 36.15%.

Average CTR 1st Result

Analysis Explanation

Using a CTR analysis tool which works directly with Google Webmaster Tool data export we observed thousands of different keywords and how their position impacts the click-through rate (CTR) from search results. By isolating only those phrases which were found on the first position of Google or all analysed domains we found a wide range of CTR rates which have in total averaged to roughly 36%. This means that an average website may expect 36% of clicks from the entire monthly search volume. This is handy when predicting traffic from organic search.

Note that some search terms fluctuate wildly and may affect the average, here are a few significant examples:

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  • Geographic Location
  • Medium (mobile, web, images)
  • Branded Terms


For more detailed analysis specific to your circumstances and industry get in touch or try our CTR analysis tool.

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2 thoughts on “What's an average CTR for the 1st position in Google?”

  1. Amit says:

    Hi Dan, This is very interesting to know CTR of organic search engines.
    Is there any way to find CTR of second or third positions as well?

  2. Maximilian Bloch says:

    Hey Dan, thanks for sharing your analysis results. I would also love to know the average click-through-rates of all ten indexed listings on the first page.